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A varied education is offered in the subject of piano, based on the international artistic experience and high pedagogical competence of instructors. In addition to solo training in the major subject, pianists also have the opportunity to specialize in the subjects of piano chamber music and lied interpretation. In the master’s degree course, a special option is offered for master of contemporary music. In addition, piano is also taught as a required and elective subject.

A wide choice of section is available for students:

Pedagogical-methodical training; historical keyboard instruments and performance practice; general bass; improvisation; jazz improvisation; sight reading; practical piano playing. Since 2006, a pre-college has been established at the University of Music Karlsruhe for exceptionally talented students. Piano training is tailored to a modern professional profile, offering the highest international artistic level.


Degrees and Study Opportunities

Bachelor's Degree Program

Final Degree
Bachelor of Music

Standard Course
8 semesters (4 years)

Degree Requirements
240 ECTS points

Master's Degree Program

Final Degree
Master of Music

Standard period of study
4 Semester (2 Jahre)

Scope of studies
120 ECTS Punkte

Bei auftretenden Fragen zum Studium wenden Sie sich bitte an die



Lectures and Professors of the section Keyboard instruments, guitar
Akademische Mitarbeiterin (Academic staff, Ms.)
Lehrbeauftragte (Lecturer, Ms.)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter (Academic staff)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter (Academic staff)
Professorin (Professor, Ms.)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter (Academic staff)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter (Academic staff)
Akademische Mitarbeiterin · Verwaltung (Academic staff, Ms. · Administration)
Lehrbeauftragter (Lecturer)
Lehrbeauftragter (Lecturer)
Akademische Mitarbeiterin (Academic staff, Ms.)