Tuition Fees

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FAQ to fees for international students and second degree


Tuition Fees

Due to changes in the State Higher Education Fees Act, tuition fees for students who are not citizens of a European Union member state or a signatory to the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement (international students) were added, starting with winter semester 2017/2018. International students with a fixed domestic enrollment and students who have qualified for domestic university entrance are exempt from paying the fee. The standard fee is 1,500 euros per semester.

Tuition fees for a second degree were also introduced. The first degree remains free of charge until the completion of a consecutive master's degree following a bachelor's degree. The fee is 650 euros per semester.

International students and students at a second degree program who were enrolled in a course at a Baden-Württemberg university when the law came into effect may continue studies in the course free of charge at the same university.

School Music (arts teaching posts at high schools)

see above

Bachelor's and sonsecutive master's degree

see above

Advanced master's degree programs

€ 700 per semester

Soloist Exam

€ 1,400 per semester

Supplementary courses

€ 1,000 per semester

Master Advanced (CAS)

€ 1,000 per semester

Postgraduate studies (private sector fee)

€ 2,200 per semester