Kati Reeb
T +49-(0)-721-66.29-670
E kati.reeb@hfm-karlsruhe.de
R Kavaliershaus 11, Zimmer 102
Office hours
Tuesday–Thursday 9.00–11.00 a.m.
University of Music Karlsruhe
International Office
Box 6040
D – 76040 Karlsruhe
Overview Third Level
For our students, a study stay abroad does not only mean simply continuing their studies at another location. The irreplaceable added value is above all to immerse oneself in a foreign culture, meet new people and come back with many new experiences. Often, enriching and formative impressions from abroad become decisive for one's own path in life.
Between the first idea for studying abroad and its implementation there are many questions and of course some important administrative and organisational steps. On these pages we will inform you about them.