


Kati Reeb

Programme to increase mobility

In contrast to ERASMUS+, the PROMOS funding programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) draws on funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This helps German universities to set their own priorities for the international mobility of their students and to offer them appropriate support from a bundle of different funding instruments.

PROMOS can be used to fund the following measures, among others:

  • Specialized courses (up to 6 weeks)
  • Study and competition trips (up to 12 days)
  • Study visits (1 to 6 months)
  • Internships (6 weeks to 6 months)


Support options

Specialized courses · Master classes

Stays to attend specialized courses and Master classes (students and doctoral candidates) of up to six weeks' duration can be funded with monthly partial scholarship instalments and/or a travel allowance and/or a one-off course fee allowance. Prerequisite is a preliminary admission for the Master's degree or a similar commitment to the German university. Funding for several subject courses within one educational section is possible, subject to the maximum funding period of six months in total.

Study tours

Study tours by students and doctoral candidates lasting a maximum of 12 days can be supported by a subsidy towards subsistence costs. For trips to EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey, the grant amounts to EUR 30 per person and day; for all other countries EUR 45 per person and day. In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge and providing an insight into the host country, the focus will be on meeting students and scientists. Participation in several study trips within one stage of education is possible up to a maximum funding period of six months in total.

Competition trips

Competition trips by students and doctoral candidates lasting a maximum of 12 days can be supported by a subsidy towards subsistence costs. For trips to EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey, the grant amounts to EUR 30 per person and day; for all other countries EUR 45 per person and day. In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge and providing an insight into the host country, the focus will be on meeting students and scientists. Participation in several study trips within one stage of education is possible up to a maximum funding period of six months in total.

Study visits

Study visits lasting between one and six months can be funded with monthly partial scholarship instalments and/or travel allowances. Study visits can also be funded for the preparation of final theses (also in companies) as well as study projects. The prerequisite for the funding of final theses/study papers is that the stay is justified by the preparation of the thesis and that no regular courses at a university are attended.


Stays to carry out practical training lasting at least six weeks and up to six months can be funded with monthly partial scholarship instalments and/or a travel allowance. In exceptional cases, internships can also be funded in the period between the bachelor's degree and the start of the master's programme. The prerequisite is that a preliminary admission for the Master's degree or a similar connection to a German university is available.

Application procedure

PROMOS scholarships are awarded twice a year within the limits of the available funds. The application deadline for projects to be realised by 30 June is 1 March. The application deadline for projects to be realised by 31 December is 30 September.

Please submit the following documents:
· your application with a short description of your project
· a curriculum vitae
· a letter of motivation
· a letter of recommendation by your main subject teacher
· for master classes. the written confirmation of admission

BAföG benefits and PROMOS
Please note that PROMOS funding must be declared to the Auslandsbafög office.