Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhe
H www.sw-ka.de/de
Karlsruhe Student Union, Partnering with Students and Universities
The Karlsruhe Student Union supports around 48,000 students in all matters relating to their studies on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. All students are in the right place with the Karlsruhe Student Union if they seek
- to apply for federal student grants and loans or need advice about financing studies
- student dormitory housing
- admission to student canteens and cafeterias
- legal advice (initial consultation)
- student loans
- place in a childcare facility
- information about student culture
- free psychotherapy and counseling
Living in Karlsruhe
The Karlsruhe Student Union offers complete information about living in Karlsruhe:
LIVING in the Rotary House student dormitory on the University of Music Karlsruhe campus built on the initiative of, and with a generous donation from, five Karlsruhe Rotary clubs, making 58 student dormitory places available since the 2006 summer semester. The dormitory, open to students of all Karlsruhe universities, is specially designed for music student needs. Special sound insulation enables in-room practicing. A grand piano is available in the common room.
For interested parties and information about other dormitories in Karlsruhe, see:
In addition, the Karlsruhe Student Union offers a free accommodation service.
Students may find offers in student residences or online at
More links for private apartment searches:
- https://www.wg-gesucht.de/wg-zimmer-in-Karlsruhe.
- https://www.studenten-wg.de/
- https://www.wohngemeinschaft.de/wg/karlsruhe
- https://www.wg-suche.de/wg-zimmer/deutschland-baden-wuerttemberg-karlsruhe
- https://www.meinestadt.de/karlsruhe/immobilien/wohnungen
- https://www.wohnungsboerse.net/Karlsruhe/mieten/wohnungen
- https://www.quoka.de/vermietungen/vermietung-wohnungen/karlsruhe/cat_21_2103_ct_123473.html
- https://www.immoworld.de/wohnung-mieten/karlsruhe
- https://www.immobilienscout24.de/Suche/S-T/Wohnung-Miete/Baden-Wuerttemberg/Karlsruhe
- https://www.immowelt.de/suche/wohnen-auf-zeit
- https://www.areaone.io/s/wohnung/mieten/karlsruhe
Information about Karlsruhe
Free App with information about student's life:
KIT-Campus Süd
Engler-Bunte-Ring 13
Geb. 40.44
76131 Karlsruhe
T +49 721 608 43233
F +49 721 608 46175
E hochschulsport∂sport kit edu
H www.sport.kit.edu/hochschulsport
KIT University Sports
Students of the University of Music may generally participate in KIT university sports activities. KIT university sports are aimed at students and offer a rich sports program in the fields of popular and competitive sports. The special needs of students and employees with disabilities are also taken into account. KIT's university sports offer includes both popular and competitive sports on equal terms.
In all university sports competitions, the focus is on communicative elements in addition to the sporting comparison. Tenders and information on all internal, national, and international competitive sports events are available on the KIT website, on the KIT notice boards in Hall 2 (Building 40.44) of KIT, and through the KIT University Sports Secretariat.