Institute Director
Prof. Dr. Thomas Seedorf
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
T +49-(0)721-66.29-612
F +49-(0)721-66.29-220
E imwi@hfm-Karlsruhe.de
To the homepage of Institute IMWI
Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI)
The bachelor's and master's degree courses at the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology encompass science, technology, creativity, and critical reflection. A unique combination of music informatics and musicology offers historical insight into the recent past. Systematic insights are thereby enabled into different subject areas of music research, ranging from basics of acoustics and audio signal processing to cognitive music processing. Access is opened to practical experience shared by music education and software development. In the bachelor's degree courses, both subjects may be studied in different combinations. In addition, music informatics and musicology are both offered in advanced master's programs. The ComputerStudio provides excellent equipment for training in the field of music informatics.
Institute Director
Prof. Andrea Raabe
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
T +49-(0)721-66.29-400
F +49-(0)721-66.29-466
E opernschule@hfm-karlsruhe.de
To the homepage of Institute IMT
Institute for Music Theater (IMT)
Opera singing is music theater performance. Training at the Institute for Music Theater (IMT) sees singing and stage performance as a unity, inextricably linking voice, music, and stage for musical theater performers. Up-and-coming directors explore new and traditional communication channels and methodological approaches at IMT, where skills and research are united. The result is a deeper understanding of aesthetic contexts, awakening a curiosity for innovative theater formats.
Training music theater performers and directors under one roof reveals current and future expressive possibilities of music theater. Understanding music theater as more than opera is achieved in a cultural, political and social context. Music theater uniquely conveys, explores, and expands esthetic and social experience. Study at IMT is individually tailored to student personal profiles. Professors and lecturers are committed, highly motivated, internationally renowned singers and directors. Most work in a team with shared abilities to efficiently train the next generation of music theater achievers.
Institute Director
Prof. Dr. Nanna Schmidt
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
T +49-(0)721-66 29-104
F +49-(0)721-66 29-105
E musikjournalismus@hfm-karlsruhe.de
To the homepage of Institute IMJ
Institute for Music Journalism | Radio | Television | Internet (IMJ)
In its bachelor's and master's degree programs, The Institute for Music Journalism (IMJ) trains students to become journalists mediating among radio, television, and the Internet. The six semester bachelor’s degree course mainly teaches basics of music, journalism, and production technology. The four semester master’s degree program addresses possibilities of new information transfer through the media, using projects and professional cooperation. Graduates are sought-after moderators, contributors, editors, and producers in international broadcasters, online editors, and staff at media centers and independent production companies for video and television.
Institute for New Music and Media (INM)
The Institute for New Music seeks to be a venue where everyone concerned with what is new at the university, whose imagination is looking for something new, who finds and invents what is new - whatever and wherever that may be - through motivation to inspire, provoke and unsettle with that is new, feels welcome and enters into a dialogue about it. It seeks to be a venue that promotes and supports this dialogue, a place for free communication, a forum for offering new efforts free of anxiety about ideology, even if these should be controversial or misunderstood at first. After all, the concept of music does not exists independently of us, following eternal laws. Instead, what music is, and can be, must always be reinvented, defined and discussed. By us.