Institut für MusikTheater (IMT)
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
T +49-(0)721-66.29-104
F +49-(0)721-66.29-105
E opernschule@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Institute for Music Theater (IMT) - Spaces for Discovery
Opera singers are music theater actors. In training for opera singing at the Institute for Music Theater (IMT), vocal and stage performances are not considered as interlarded, but rather as a unit. For the music theater actor, voice, music and scene are inextricably linked.
Aspiring directors at IMT explore new and traditional communication channels and methodological approaches. Research and craft go hand in hand. This creates a deeper understanding of aesthetic relationships and curiosity about innovative forms of theater. Training of music theater actors and directors under one roof enables joint discovery of expressive possibilities in the music theater of today and tomorrow.
We follow the principle that musical theater is more than opera. It is realized in a cultural, political and social field of forces. Like no other multimedia art form, it can convey, explore, and expand aesthetic and social experience. The course is individually tailored to each student’s personal profile. Highly motivated professors, committed lecturers, and internationally successful singing and directing talents work in a team to train the next generation of tomorrow’s music theater achievers.
“Works of art are processes; they unfold their essence in time”
– Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno
Musiktheater von Marc David Ferrum - Uraufführung
Ein Projekt des Instituts für MusikTheater in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kompositionsklassen und dem Institut für Neue Musik
Musikalische Leitung: Alois Seidlmeier
Inszenierung: Marianne Berglöf
Szenographie und Kostüme: Janina Capelle
Choreographie: Paz Montero
„V“: Sophie Aeckerle, Sophie Buß
„M“: Lorenzo de Cunzo
„A“: Lovisa Huledal
Solo-Harfe: Lotte Katharina Krüger
Solo-Klavier: Yue Zou
Ensemble für Neue Musik der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe
Premiere: 10 Dezember 2019.
Weitere Vorstellungen: 12., 14., 17., 19. und 20. Dezember