This production was made possible by the

Wonderland by Anno Schreier
A song cycle for three singers and four instruments
Text by Alexander Jansen
Music theatre for children from 5 years
Students of the Institute for MusicTheatre
Musical direction Kristina Ruge
Production Marianne Berglöf
Stage design - Costumes Manuel Kolip
Choreography Paz Montero
Instrumental ensemble Students of the Karlsruhe University of Music
Based on the story of Alice in Wonderland, the Institute for Music Theatre at the HfM Karlsruhe has brought a children's opera to the stage in May 2023. The composer comes from its own ranks: Anno Schreier, lecturer in music theory, created a completely new interpretation of the story of young Alice's adventures with his song cycle "Wonderland". Students of the IMT gave the audience an unusual approach to music theatre in 6 performances. Especially for children there were many whimsical
and exciting musical sounds to discover.
The students of the bachelor's degree programme "Music Journalism for Broadcasting and Multimedia" provided production support for the last performance as part of the seminar "Concert Recording" and were supervised by Prof. Maximilian Richter.