For any further questions,
please contact the Institute for Music Theater
Prof. Andrea Raabe
E andrea.raabe@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Prof. Dr. Stephan Mösch
E stephan.moesch@hfm-karlsruhe.de
T +49-(0)721-66 29-400
F +49-(0)721-66 29-466
Profile: Master of Arts Program in Music Theater Direction
A prerequisite for admission to the entrance examination for studying in this course is a completed course of study in the Bachelor of Arts in Music Theater Direction or a comparable bachelor of arts course.
The master's degree forms a second additional professional qualification for the course, in which the academic content of the bachelor's degree course is deepened and additional subjects increase preparedness for the stage. The master's exam serves to demonstrate high artistic, analytical, communicative, and organizational skills required for the director's profession in the field of musical theater.
It is assumed that students already have active experience in music theater and have designed and attempted their own productions. It is expected that students be familiar with diverse fields of activity that are part of music theater direction, refining and uniting these activities.
Master of Arts Course
The standard period of study at the Master of Arts Course in Music Theater Direction is four semesters.
The MA course is divided into modules and submodules (see exam regulations § 4 and the study schedule). Completing a module section by proof of performance, certification, or exam is a prerequisite for advancement to the next module section of the course. In the four semesters of the MA course, in addition to training in directing and history, aesthetics, and artistic practice in music theater, students are given in-depth knowledge in staging, choreography, fight directing, and languages.
At the heart of the course are master classes and their own individual staging work.
Overview of subjects for the Master of Arts Course in Music Theater Direction:
- Stage Aria and Ensemble Work
- Directorial Practice/ Methodology
- Directorial Concepts
- Directing (also Master Classes)
- History, Aesthetics and Artistic Practice of Music Theater
- Opera Analysis
- Introduction to Lighting and Stage Technology
- Human Resource Management
- Recitative Training
- Basic Stage Training
- Stage Improvisation
- Dialogue Work
- Acting Training
- Italian and French
- Dance/ Choreography
- Physical Training
- Phonetics/ Speech Training
- Courses: Professional Counseling, Interdisciplinary Projects, Stage Law, Stage Fighting/ Fight Direction, Makeup, Speaking about Music
Professional competence goals for the Master of Arts Course in Music Theater Direction:
An independent and mature directorial profile based on:
- eingehender Werk- und Aufführungsanalyse einschließlich entsprechender Recherche
- kreativem Umgang mit historischen und aktuellen Formen und Stilrichtungen des Musiktheaters
- selbständigem und künstlerisch fruchtbarem Umgang mit ästhetischen Leitlinien und Rezeptionsprozessen
- Kenntnis und Anwendungsfähigkeit verschiedener Regie-Sprachen einschließlich der dazugehörenden Theorien, Bewegungslehren und Körpertechniken
- künstlerisch ausgereiften themen- und konzeptbezogenen Bewegungsmodi und -kombinationen
- konzeptionell und handwerklich ausgereiftem Umgang mit Bühnenraum, Bühnenbild und Kostümfragen
- handwerklich ausgereiften Techniken der Sängerführung (einschließlich Ensemble und Chor
- Vertrautheit mit den betriebskundlichen Grundlagen der Theaterarbeit, sowie dem dort möglichen Projektmanagement
- gezielter künstlerisch überzeugendem und handwerklich ausgereiftem Umgang mit Bühnen, Licht- und Videotechnik im Rahmen dafür in der Praxis zur Verfügung stehender Zeitfenster
- Sprachlicher Kompetenz in Bezug auf die gängigen Opern- und Probensprachen (Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch, Englisch)