Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology


Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI)
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe

T +49-(0)721-66.29-612
F +49-(0)721-66.29-220



Secretary's office
K10, Zi 303

Opening hours
Mon-Fri 9.30a.m.-noon


Application until 15 june

Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI)

The bachelor's degree and master's degree courses at the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI) range from science, technology, and creativity to critical reflection. The unique combination of music informatics and musicology offers historical insight into the recent present. In addition it enables systematic insights into different subject areas of music research, ranging from the basics of acoustics and audio signal processing to cognitive music processing. It provides access to practical experience with music education and software development. In the six-semester bachelor's degree course, both subjects may be studied in different combinations. In addition, music informatics and musicology are each offered as advanced four-semester master's degree programs. The ComputerStudio provides excellent equipment for training in the field of music informatics.

Graduates of the degree programs work in a variety of different professional fields. The spectrum ranges from artistic activities to science and research, as well as audio software development, digital sheet music editions, and music education activities (theaters, concert halls, radio, and publishing houses).