Further Information
For any further questions,
please contact the
Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology
Gundi Rössler
T +49-(0)721-66.29-612
F +49-(0)721-66.29-220
E imwi@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Informatics / Musicology
In the Bachelor of Arts Course in Music Informatics/ Musicology, the combined subject of music informatics/ musicology may be studied with different relative emphasis. In all cases it is a full-time in-class study. The course begins after an entrance exam is passed during the winter semester (see course - study plan bachelor of arts degree / master of arts degree). The course continues for six semesters.
Four major subjects are available to be selected:
- Music informatics and musicology as equally balanced subjects;
- Music informatics as a major subject with musicology as a supplementary subject;
- Musicology as a major subject with music informatics as a supplementary subject.
Music informatics offers, among other features:
- Basics of audio and media technology;
- basics of programming;
- audio- and symbol-based music programming;
- development of interactive and sensor-based systems;
- basics of empirical-scientific work;
- computer-aided music research;
- empirical music research;
- history, aesthetics, and performance practice of electronic music and computer music;
- sound design and composition for film and video games;
- media production and media analysis;
- artistic and scientific project work; and
- experience through internships.
Musicology offers, among other features:
- Basics of musicological working methods;
- an overview of music history;
- basics of music theory and ear training;
- in-depth discussion of special topics;
- musicology in dialogue with other subjects;
- music psychology;
- music cognition;
- instrument tuition;
- musical acoustics;
- ability to verbalize written test results;
- experience through internships.
Students acquire extensive scientific and technical knowledge as well as artistic and practical skills. Thus they acquire basic competencies in the fields of musicology and music research, taking into account the current range of methods; they are capable of dealing with media and computer technologies creatively and critically. Corresponding professional fields are available, for example, in the areas of science and research, the music industry, music education, media, or cultural institutions.
The degree concludes with a written bachelor of arts thesis and oral exam. Graduates of the bachelor's degree program earn the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (BA).