Further Information
For any further questions,
please contact the
Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology
Gundi Rössler
T +49-(0)721-66 29-215
F +49-(0)721-66 29-220
E imwi@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Application to study at the Institute of Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI)
The application deadline for the entrance examination is 15 June of each year.
Documents to be submitted for the application:
Bachelor's degree programmes in Music Informatics/Musicology
- Completed application form with passport photo (passport photo labelled with name);
- Cover letter;
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form;
- Letter of motivation (approx. two pages);
- Proof of knowledge and secure command of written and spoken German in accordance with the current enrolment regulations, here...
- Proof of payment of the processing fee, stamped envelope, etc.
The application form and further information on applying to study at the Karlsruhe University of Music and the documents to be enclosed can be found on the university's online application portal, here...
Master-Studiengang Musikinformatik
- Ausgefülltes Anmeldeformular mit Passbild (Passbild mit Namen versehen);
- Anschreiben;
- tabellarischer Lebenslauf;
- Motivationsschreiben (ca. zwei Seiten);
- mindestens zwei Arbeitsproben in der Form von Texten, Audio- oder Videodateien, Software o.ä. (dies kann auch per Link erfolgen);
- current enrolment regulations, here...
- Proof of payment of the processing fee, stamped envelope, etc.
The application form and further information on applying to study at the Karlsruhe University of Music and the documents to be enclosed can be found on the university's online application portal, here...
Master-Studiengang Musikwissenschaft
„Interpretation und Vermittlung von Musik“
- Ausgefülltes Anmeldeformular mit Passbild (Passbild mit Namen versehen);
- Anschreiben;
- tabellarischer Lebenslauf;
- Motivationsschreiben (ca. zwei Seiten);
- Arbeitsproben in Form von Texten;
- current enrolment regulations, here...
- Proof of payment of the processing fee, stamped envelope, etc.
The application form and further information on applying to study at the Karlsruhe University of Music and the documents to be enclosed can be found on the university's online application portal, here...