For any further questions,
please contact the
Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology
Gundi Rössler
T +49-(0)721-66 29-612
F +49-(0)721-66 29-220
E imwi@hfm-karlsruhe.de
K10, Zi 303
until 15 june
Studies begin
in Winter semester
Music Informatics
Pondering and actively shaping the relationship of music and computers with people is a central concern of music informatics at the Institute for Music Science and Music Informatics (IMWI). It is about people who deal with music in a variety of ways in their digitized world. Students gain experience coping with constantly renewing technology in a technically creative, scientifically investigative, theoretically astute and artistically expressive manner.
Within a framework of the unique connection between music informatics and musicology, the aim is to complement existing musicological method repertoire by means of computer-aided processes. Examples are in the area of digital music edition and music coding, as well as audio and sheet music-based analysis. Subject areas of music informatics also include creative programming, audio signal processing, software development, cognitive music processing, composition and performance practice of electronic music and computer music, and computer-aided composition for film, theater, and computer games.
In the bachelor's degree program, music informatics is offered in combination with musicology as a major, minor, or combined subject, each in relative proportions. In the master's program in music informatics, specializations in the artistic or scientific field are possible.
Degrees and Study Opportunities
Bachelor's Degree Program
Final Degree
Bachelor of Music
Standard Course
8 semesters (4 years)
Degree Requirements
240 ECTS points
Bachelor Study Information
Master's Degree Program
Final Degree
Master of Music
4 semesters (2 years)
180 ECTS points
Master Study Information