
The SAM · ComputerStudio and students of the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology are represented at the festival next_generation 9.0, the meeting of university studios for electronic music. There, young composers from the field of electronic music get the chance to present their new compositions. This year the participants come from Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland. For four days, concerts and installations can be attended at various locations in the ZKM. These events will be… Weiterlesen
The singer Thomas Hampson has been appointed honorary professor at the Karlsruhe University of Music. In doing so, the Hochschule honors the artist's great services to the musical training and education of young artistic personalities, and in particular his commitment to the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe. Awarded Met Mastersinger by the Metropolitan Opera Guild and inducted into the Hall of Fame of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Gramophone, Thomas Hampson is one of the most… Weiterlesen
String Quartet Lab starts in July With a new teaching offer for quartets, the string section would like to enable interested students to deal intensively with string chamber music for a week. The teaching quartet is the vision string quartet, Berlin. The String Quartet Lab will take place from 4 to 9 July 2022 and will end with the awarding of the audience prize of the Sparkassen Kulturstiftung for the best quartet. The aim is above all to create an occasion for encounters and exchange between… Weiterlesen
From the winter semester 2022-2023, the Karlsruhe University of Music will have a new rector. The election of the Senate and the University Council on May 11 fell by an overwhelming majority on Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt, who has already been teaching at the Karlsruhe University of Music since 2004. He is Professor of Music History and Musicology and currently Prorector for Teaching, Study and Examination Affairs. In October, he will succeed Prof. Hartmut Höll, who has led the Hochschule for… Weiterlesen
New book publication: Music Journalism New book publicationMusikjournalismus Herausgegeben von Peter Overbeck Springer VS Wiesbaden 2022, 564 Seiten, 34,99 € (E-Book: 26,99 €) ISBN 978-3-658-32475-9, ISBN 978-3-658-32476-6 (eBook) (Reihe „Journalistische Praxis“) On 564 pages, the volume edited by Peter Overbeck (Institute for Music Journalism) tells you everything you need to know about programming, interviewing, music criticism, moderation etc. in radio, television, print and online, in… Weiterlesen