Elisabeth Theisohn studied at the University of Music Freiburg and at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg to become a teacher with the subjects music and German language and literature studies as well as the diploma courses rhythmics and elementary music education (EMP). Before her traineeship, she held a teaching position at the Freiburg University of Music in the subject area of rhythmics/EMP as well as a lectureship at the Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik Nonnenweier. Following her traineeship, which she completed with distinction, she worked for almost ten years as a teacher at Faust-Gymnasium Staufen. There she further developed the music class model and initiated and supervised various music clubs. In addition, she worked intensively in school development for a student-oriented all-day area with a musical focus. For two years, she headed the education department of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra together with Brigitte Täubl. Elisabeth Theisohn has performed in various music education formats and children's concerts on and off stage, in classrooms, kindergartens and theatres.
As a research assistant, she worked since 2016 in the project "Cooperative Music Teacher Education Freiburg" (KoMuF), where her doctoral thesis on creative action and music-related learning in school composition in groups was written, which she completed with "summa cum laude" in 2022. In 2022 she was also appointed Academic Senior Councillor at the Freiburg University of Music. The focus of her work was, among other things, the networking of the university with general education schools in the region and the development of a practical school network for teacher:ing education.
Elisabeth Theisohn was appointed Professor of Music Education at the Karlsruhe University of Music in October 2023 and will be in charge of the artistic teaching programme for grammar schools. In addition to practice-oriented and subject-didactically guided teaching research, she is particularly interested in innovative and agile music education teaching. Here Elisabeth Theisohn combines her various developmental and research foci: Composition pedagogy, movement and elementary music making, agile and participatory music didactics, democracy building, artistic project work at the interface of school and extracurricular partners, music mediation and concert pedagogy, and much more.