Symposium for Cultural Journalism
The Institute for Music Journalism has been successfully training music journalists for the electronic media for 25 years and is regarded as a cadre for journalists in the cultural sector in Germany. The Institute is part of the excellent State Centre for Music Journalism and Music Informatics at the Karlsruhe University of Music, which itself is considered one of the most internationally sought-after training centres for music.
After last year's success, the Institute for Music Journalism is once again hosting a two-hour live broadcast this year:
CALL TO ACTION 2022 - Symposium for Cultural Journalism.
Topic Diversity
Thursday, 28 April 2022 from 14.00 - 16.00 hrs.
We look at the topic from different perspectives and ask in video contributions how the actors in cultural journalism can become more diverse and how diverse classical music itself actually is. In live talks we will discuss how language can be made inclusive and how we can inspire Generation Z for cultural formats of the future.
Renowned experts and multipliers from the media sector will have their say:
Daphne Flieger - Head of Content ZDF Digital
Kevin Schramm - Social Media Strategy BR
Jess Türk - Innovation Manager:in rbb
Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller-Spitzer - Leibniz Institute for the German Language, Mannheim
and you - you can actively participate in our symposium via survey tools and comment functions.
Find out more on our Homepage and on Instagram.
Participation is free of charge. Please make a note of this date.
Daphne Flieger, Head of Content ZDF Digital, Kevin Schramm, Social Media Strategie BR, Lilly Wagner, xLab | Digitalunit Chefredaktion SWR, Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller-Spitzer, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim und andere namhafte Expert*innen und Multiplikator*innen aus dem Medienbereich haben am Symposium teilgenommen. In Videobeiträgen wurde hinterfragt, wie die Akteure im Kulturjournalismus diverser werden können und wie divers die Klassik selbst eigentlich ist. In Talks wurde darüber diskutiert, wie Sprache inklusiv gestaltet werden und wie die Generation Z für Kulturformate der Zukunft begeistert werden kann. Das Symposium wurde von den Master-Studierenden Musikjournalismus konzipiert, produziert und durchgeführt.