der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe e. V.
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Tatjana Funk
T +49-(0)721-66 29-505
F +49-(0)721-66 29-266
Donnerstags 10.00-13.00 Uhr
Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg e.G.
IBAN DE44 6009 0800 0000 9529 40
Preserve tradition
Soon after the University of Music was nationalized, its rector, Professor Eugen Werner Velte, gathered a group of friends and supporters to ensure lasting backing for the institution from a wide public. In 1976, Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe was founded, one of the first at any Baden-Württemberg conservatory. Providing material support and better establishing its presence in the city and the region, it also abetted artistic work, especially training highly qualified talents.

Interesting meetings
Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe participate directly in university and student development. They are invited to prizewinners concerts for the biennial Heinz Kunle Competition and may attend all other university public events of the university at reduced prices. In the series Friends of the University of Music Personally, attendance at talks and visits are free of charge as members get to know university personnel and their work at first-hand. There are also interesting encounters with like-minded people and regular information about conservatory developments. Annual general meetings report on scholarship awardings and many other related projects and tasks. Members are also invited to a scholarship concert. All activities of the Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe benefit students first and foremost.
Supporting talents
To promote the best musical talent, the annual Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe competition began in 1981, in the same disciplines as the German University Competition. It is advertised internally every two years, mostly with Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe members as qualified jurors. Many prizewinners launch successful careers, contributing to the reputation of the University of Music Karlsruhe.
“You must choose business men to talk to, because artists only talk of money."
Jean Sibelius reportedly once said, “You must choose business men to talk to, because artists only talk of money." If not precisely true, this saying expresses concerns of young musicians, including conservatory students. Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe makes it possible for students to fully focus on their art and studies. For this freedom, sustained support is needed.
Thanks to its members and other generous donors, Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe have raised over € 345,000 during the past four years to support the university and its students, with over € 214,000 awarded in direct scholarships. Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe is therefore a reliable partner of the university and a significant supporter of students.
Funds available for support measures are limited. The amount depends on member willingness to donate, as well as others interested in music and the university, who may not yet have joined Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe. They are cordially invited to support us, join, be a donor. Everyone concerned benefits. Students receive indispensable support. In addition to a donation receipt, sponsors gain many priceless moments at university concerts and events, made possible by our support. The significance of our efforts grows with readiness to donate. Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe is as strong as we make it.