Contact persons
University of Music Karlsruhe
Prof. Roberto Neumann-Domingos
E roberto.domingos@hfm.eu
Helmholtz Gymnasium Karlsruhe
Dr. Stephan Aufenanger
E aufenanger@helmholtz-karlsruhe.de
Badischen Konservatorium
Sebastian Waldeck
E Sebastian.waldeck@badkons.karlsruhe.de
Karlsruhe Music High School
With the establishment of four grammar schools for children and young people who are particularly talented and high-performing musically, the school landscape in Baden-Württemberg now has a very special facet. At the Friedrich-Gymnasium Freiburg, Helmholtz-Gymnasium Karlsruhe, Gymnasium Trossingen and the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium in Stuttgart, attempts have been made for several years to better reconcile the educational needs and educational paths of musically gifted pupils.
Baden-Württemberg is the number 1 music state in Germany. 5 out of 24 state music academies are located in the state. Baden-Württemberg regularly occupies a top position in the national "Jugend musiziert" competition. The obvious potential of musically gifted and talented young people in Baden-Württemberg therefore requires a special educational programme. The existing music high schools in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Trossingen and Stuttgart would like to enable suitable pupils to harmonise their demanding and time-consuming musical commitment with the requirements of their school education as flexibly as possible. Intensive rehearsal phases, preparation for and participation in national and international competitions, attendance at masterclasses and involvement in other high-quality musical projects should be made possible without having to conflict too much with the demands of school education.
Performance promotion
Pupils on the music grammar school programme can acquire the general higher education entrance qualification and also receive special support.
These additional subjects include
- Lessons in the main instrumental or vocal subject
- Lessons in aural training, music theory and musical analysis
- Project work in orchestra and chamber music or choir and vocal ensemble
Teachers from the Karlsruhe University of Music, the Baden Conservatory or a music school in the region or freelance teachers can teach the main instrumental or vocal subject.
The Karlsruhe University of Music is responsible for the standards in the additional subjects.
At Helmholtz-Gymnasium, the pupils of the music grammar school are integrated into the school's music programme. This means that they receive more music lessons per week from Year 5-7 (three lessons instead of two); from Year 8 onwards, music becomes a core subject with four lessons per week. In addition, they are required to take part in one of the ensembles from the choir, orchestra and jazz sections.
Pupils are released from lessons for intensive practice phases, e.g. before a competition and for participation in masterclasses or similar events. To prepare for and take part in competitions and music school concerts, a répétiteur from the conservatoire is available to students free of charge by arrangement.
Music theory lessons are taught by a music teacher in an additional lesson in grades 5-7. From grade 8 onwards, lessons are given by a lecturer from the music academy on the premises of the Helmholtz-Gymnasium in small groups parallel to normal lessons, so that there is no additional time burden due to the support. In the course level, some modules in the field of music theory can also be credited towards a later university degree programme (ECTS credits). Workshops are also offered in cooperation with the University of Music, for example in the areas of music informatics, stage presence and internal artistic masterclasses.
To compensate for absences due to artistic reasons, pupils at the Musikgymnasium can work through the missed lessons individually and free of charge with the support of specialised teachers at the Helmholtz-Gymnasium.
Pupils of the Musikgymnasium can use the practice rooms of the Musikgymnasium, the Badisches Konservatorium and, in some cases, the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe. In addition, the participating institutions with their entire infrastructure (such as the canteen and library) are available to the pupils of the Musikgymnasium.
Transfer to the music grammar school at the Helmholtz-Gymnasium is possible in all grades after successfully passing an entrance examination.
Entrance examination:
The prerequisite for admission to the Musikgymnasium is passing an entrance examination.
Lateral entrants must also be able to fulfil the academic requirements of the respective grammar school grade.
The entrance examination comprises an examination in the main instrumental or vocal subject as well as an interview.
The entrance examination is conducted by a committee consisting of representatives of the Karlsruhe University of Music, the Baden Conservatory, the Helmholtz-Gymnasium Karlsruhe and, if applicable, a representative of the music schools in the region.
The entrance examination takes place once a year.
Examination requirements:
Performance on the main subject instrument (singing also possible from grade 8) and a selection interview
Grades 5-7:
3 works from different epochs to choose from
(including one slow and one fast movement),
Total examination time 10 minutes
from grade 8:
3 works from different eras to choose from
(including one slow and one fast movement),
Total examination time 15 minutes
Continuation in the music grammar school programme beyond one school year must be ensured by successfully completing a reassessment audition, which currently takes place every two years.
Around 40 pupils from year 5 to year 2 currently attend the music programme at Helmholtz-Gymnasium. The entrance examinations take place in the summer. The application deadline is the end of April. The exact dates are announced at the beginning of the year. Application forms are available from the secretary's office, and information can also be obtained directly from the head of the music grammar school, Dr Stephan Aufenanger, at aufenanger@helmholtz-karlsruhe.de.