Summer interviews at the HfM with Maria-Elisabeth Lott

16. July 2024

Interview with Maria-Elisabeth Lott
"A big portion of dedication"

Maria-Elisabeth Lott

By Veronika Metzger

Maria-Elisabeth Lott began playing the violin at the age of three. She began her preliminary studies at the University of Music Karlsruhe at the age of eight. Now she is a successful violinist, a lecturer at the Detmold University of Music and has taken the time for a conversation. She talked with Veronika Metzger from the Junge Kulturkanal about love stories and stage fright. Read more...

In the context of the seminar "Interview Online / Print" with lecturer Elisa Reznicek, students of the 2nd Bachelor semester in the course of studies "Music Journalism for Radio and Multimedia" conducted exciting interviews with alumni and lecturers at our university, which were published on the homepage "JungerKulturKanal".