Help for students in need: Thank you!

24. July 2024

The University of Music Karlsruhe thanks numerous sponsors for their support in Corona times. The Riemschneider Foundation, for example, also helps students who have to (co-)finance their studies and the sometimes high tuition fees by performing in concerts, helping out in orchestras and, in particular, directing choirs or ensembles – additional activities that are currently not possible due to the Corona restrictions. Many of them are currently in a financial emergency situation. The Riemschneider Foundation therefore awarded two additional scholarships in December, to a student in the master's program in artistic teaching at high schools and to a student in the instrumental bachelor's program.

Great emergency aid has also been provided – once again – by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. Its board of trustees has decided to provide a further total of 2 million euros this year to music students in financial need at state music colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, of which the Karlsruhe University of Music has received around 36,000 euros.