26. June: Karlsruhe klingt – music to go!

16. July 2024
Logo Music to go 2021

→ To the programme page

In 2021, the Karlsruhe University of Music celebrates its 50th anniversary as an institution of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Although the roots of the Hochschule date back to 1812, it was not until 1971 that its status as a state institution was confirmed. Today, the Karlsruhe University of Music is one of the leading educational institutions of its kind in Germany and enjoys a high level of international recognition. In 2013, the campus around Schloss Gottesaue, one of Karlsruhe's landmarks, was finally opened. Previously, the university had had to spread out over various locations in the city for decades.

The anniversary in the academic year 2020/2021 now took place under the conditions of the Corona pandemic and its effects. The most important task was and is to ensure the high quality of teaching and the optimal preparation of about 620 students from nearly fifty countries for their professional careers as musicians, scientists, journalists, computer scientists, educators. At the same time, the university wants to present itself as one of the important cultural organizers of the Karlsruhe region and beyond, but this is now postponed to the time "after Corona" - partly into the year 2022. Information about the program and the activities of our university can be found at any time on our website www.hfm-karlsruhe.de and in our newsletter "CampusPost".

A small and fine foretaste of the future is provided today by the students' performances at our already traditional mini-festival "Karlsruhe klingt - music to go". So we are back - as the university for more music in the heart of Karlsruhe.
You are very welcome to join us!

→ Gesamtprogramm
→ Bach-Kantaten

In case of rain, our outdoor events unfortunately have to be cancelled without substitution.

We would like to thank the KME (Karlsruhe Marketing und Event GmbH), the Evangelische Stadtkirche Karlsruhe, the Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe and the Christuskirche Karlsruhe as well as all their employees for the outstanding cooperation and special hospitality!

Dear visitors, please note that corona protection measures are still required, even for outdoor events!
The rules apply
· Keep your distance
· Observe hygiene
· Wear everyday mask
and the rules for participation
· Tested
· Vaccinated
· Recovered

Our KME and Karlsruhe University of Music staff will be on site to observe and, if necessary, influence compliance with these rules. Please respect their advice. Only in this way will we all enjoy the various performances together. Admission is free. Printed programs with the names of all performers will be handed out for the overall program and for the two cantata concerts.
→ Gesamtprogramm
→ Bach-Kantaten