For the winter semester, the Karlsruhe University of Music is awarding fourteen scholarships to particularly talented and capable students as part of the Deutschlandstipendium program. The amount of this scholarship is € 3,600 per year, half of which is provided by private sponsors and the other half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The scholarship is paid out in installments of €300 per month and is usually awarded for one year.
Application procedure
Applications are accepted annually for the winter semester and exclusively electronically. If you are interested and to get access to your dropfolder, please send an e-mail until 17 July 2024 with the subject "Deutschlandstipendium" to stipendien@hfm.eu. Please submit complete application materials via the dropfolder by July 21, 2024.
Application documents (max. 20 pages)
1. fully completed application form
2. letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)
3. curriculum vitae in tabular form
4. certificate of university entrance qualification (in the case of foreign certificates, a translation that can be transferred to the German system and converted into the German grading system) and, if applicable, proof of a special qualification that entitles the student to study in the respective degree program at the Karlsruhe University of Music
5. certificate of matriculation
6. applicants for a Master's degree must submit the certificate of a first university degree as well as, if applicable, further proof of performance in accordance with the admission and selection regulations for the Master's degree program as well as, if applicable, proof of previous academic performance (list)
7. internship and work references as well as proof of special awards and prizes, other knowledge and further commitment (list)
8. recommendation of the major subject teacher
9. if applicable, information and proof of special personal or family circumstances
10. informal declaration that no talent- or performance-based scholarship will be received that equals or exceeds a monthly average of 30 €.
→ Application form
→ Assessment form
If the application documents are not written in German or English, an officially certified translation in German must be enclosed.
Important note: Application documents that are not submitted on time or in the correct form, as well as incomplete application documents, will not be considered in the selection process.
Selection process
The scholarship committee of the Karlsruhe University of Music selects from the applications submitted in due time those applicants who can be admitted to the scholarship program, as well as other applications that move up in a ranking determined by the scholarship committee. The scholarship committee consists of the Rector, the Equal Opportunities Officer, two professors, one student and two representatives of the private sponsors.
Selection criteria
for first-year students
• the average grade of the university entrance qualification with special consideration of the special qualification that entitles the student to study in the respective course of study at the Karlsruhe University of Music.
for already enrolled students
• the previous academic achievements or results of an intermediate examination, for students of a Master's program also the final grade of the previous program.
The overall consideration of the applicant's potential will also take into account:
• special achievements, awards and prizes, previous professional activity and completed internships
• Extracurricular or extracurricular involvement such as volunteer work, community, social, university or political involvement or participation in religious societies, associations or clubs
• special personal or family circumstances such as illnesses and disabilities, taking care of own children, especially as a single parent, or close relatives in need of care, working in the family business, working while studying, or migration background.
The scholarship is granted independently of income and parents and does not count towards BAföG benefits.
For further questions regarding the application and selection process, please contact:
Kati Reeb (Ms) stipendien@hfm.eu