University of Music Karlsruhe Internal Grants
The University of Music Karlsruhe has an internal system of funding opportunities, including full and partial scholarships, tuition fee grants and other financial support measures aimed at the entire international student body. These support equal opportunity for all students and the necessary freedom for personal development during studies.
Social criteria play a special role in awarding these scholarships: In particular, individual need, but also the financial situation of parents of students, are taken into account. This applies particularly to grants using funds from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe.
Other grants are awarded primarily on an artistic basis. As a rule, each public invitation for grant requests is followed by a competition decided by a jury, usually assisted by external experts. Competitions usually conclude with an awards concert.
Another format is the so-called support scholarship, in which scholarship recipients undertake to become involved in mentoring other students.
14 Deutschlandstipendium
In the winter semester, the University of Music awards 14 scholarships as part of the Deutschlandstipendium to particularly talented and capable students enrolled on a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme.The application process is exclusively electronic.
→ Information and Application forms
Study grants of the Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe e. V. and other supporters to German and Foreign students
Funds from the Friends of the Karlsruhe University of Music and other sponsors are used to award study grants to needy students of all subjects from the 2nd semester onwards.
The application takes place semester by semester and exclusively electronically.
If you are interested, please email stipendien@hfm.eu by 10 October/10 April of the year to access the drop folder.
Required application documents:
- Application form for study grants
- Letter of motivation (1 A4 page)
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form (1 A4 page)
- Certificate of enrolment
- For BaföG recipients: Letter of approval
Complete application materials for the
• winter semester are due by October 15 of the year
and for the
- summer semester by April 15 of the year.
to be submitted via the dropfolder.
Friederike Müller · Kati Reeb
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe
E stipendien@hfm.eu
Incomplete applications not submitted by the deadline will not be considered for scholarship award.
You can download the form "Application for Study Support" here. It can also be filled out online.
→ Applications for study grants
DAAD (STIBET) Scholarship Support
Kati Reeb
E international.office@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Adler Büttner Foundation Scholarships
Primarily for pianists
The keyboard instruments section
The Adler Büttner Foundation promotes training at the University of Music Karlsruhe.
Baden Cultural Foundation Scholarships
Primarily for foreign students
Kulturfonds Baden e.V.,
BBBank Karlsruhe
Herrenstraße 2 – 10
76133 Karlsruhe
International Lyceum Club Karlsruhe Scholarship
For female students only
Schlosshotel Karlsruhe
c/o Internationaler Lyceumclub Karlsruhe e. V.
Bahnhofsplatz 2
76137 Karlsruhe
Zonta Club Karlsruhe Scholarship
For female students
Zonta International is an international service organization with the mission of advancing the status of women. Zonta is a worldwide association of working women in responsible positions who work to improve the living conditions of women in the legal, political, economic and professional fields with the aim of promoting contacts between women and supporing service projects for women and girls locally and internationally.
One local project is an annual scholarship to a University of Music Karlsruhe student in the form of a monthly subsidy of approximately € 300.
The scholarship winner is chosen from the applicant group after a short interview with a three person jury. The scholarship continues for 12 months or until completion of studies at the University of Music Karlsruhe.
Zonta Club
c/o Claudia Rohde
Kreuzweg 4
75015 Bretten
E info@zonta-karlsruhe.de
Scholarship for low female voices
Under the aegis of Professor Anneliese Fried, the Badisches Staatstheater and the Karlsruhe University of Music have agreed on a project cooperation under the name CONTRALTO in 2022. The goal is the long-term promotion of deep female voices in opera. The cooperation provides for a female singer currently studying for a master's degree or as a soloist at the University of Music to receive a scholarship for up to two years with performance opportunities at the Badisches Staatstheater. For this purpose, the singer will receive a contract as a beginner in the opera section.
Anneliese Fried is the initiator and financial supporter of this ten-year project, which begins in September 2022, and thus gives something back to Karlsruhe and its young singers: as a student from the very beginning, she began her studies at the Karlsruhe University of Music in the winter semester of 1971 and made her debut at the Badisches Staatstheater in the summer semester of 1976, made possible in part by the close ties between the university's teaching staff at the time and the theater.
Anneliese Fried supports CONTRALTO with an annual donation. She chairs the selection committee, which also includes a member of the vocal faculty as well as the opera faculty of the Karlsruhe University of Music and Nicole Braunger, opera director of the Badisches Staatstheater, and the general music director Georg Fritzsch, in order to find a suitable candidate. All members of the selection committee are entitled to vote. The final decision on the selection rests with the artistic director of the Badisches Staatstheater.
The call for applications is published each year on the homepage of the Karlsruhe University of Music. Students (alto voice) of the Karlsruhe University of Music who have not yet reached the age of 32 and have not yet completed the penultimate semester of their standard period of study, or who can provide proof of enrollment at the Karlsruhe University of Music at the beginning of the scholarship period, may apply until January 31.
Brahms House (Baden-Baden) Scholarship
Free four week stay in March/April at the Brahms House (Baden-Baden), a biographical museum dedicated to Johannes Brahms. It is expected that the entire time will be spent in Baden-Baden. For application details, see announcements about possible preliminary auditions that include works by Brahms.
Dr. Eva-Maria Rieckert
E eva-maria.rieckert@hfm-karlsruhe.de
Richard Wagner Association Karlsruhe Scholarships
To visit the Bayreuth Festival.
About five scholarships annually, including tickets for three performances in Bayreuth in August and accommodations. Auditions in November of the previous year.
Prof. Andrea Raabe
E raabe@hfm.eu
Heinrich Hertz Society Scholarships
In recognition of outstanding performances.
The University of Music Karlsruhe nominates the candidates for this honor.
Stipendium "Yehudi Menuhin - Live Music Now"
Förderungen des Dr. Ilse Völter Stiftungsfonds
Die Förderung der Musik, der Studierenden und der Hochschule für Musik lagen Frau Dr. Ilse Völter stets ganz besonders am Herzen. Eine Gedenktafel in der Hochschule für Musik erinnert an ihr großes Engagement, das dank ihres Stiftungsfonds über ihren Tod hinaus fortgeführt wird.
Weitere Infos unter https://stiftung-gutes-tun.de/stiftungsfonds/dr-ilse-voelter/
Prof. Roberto Domingos
M Domingos@hfm-karlsruhe.de