Bjoern Krass is a trained journalist, media educator, producer, speaker and speech coach. In 2009, he founded the media service company BLN.FM (http://bln.fm), which he managed until 2019. At Thaler & Rehor (https://thalerrehor.de/home), he has been working as a voice training coach in speaker training since 2010. Bjoern has worked as a freelance writer for Deutschlandradio (https://www.deutschlandradio.de), Funkhaus Europa (now Cosmo, https://www1.wdr.de/radio/cosmo), radioeins (https://www.radioeins.de) and other stations. In 2019, together with the author Victor Redman (https://victorredman.com), he founded the production company Folivox (http://folivox.com), where he works as a producer and director. As a producer, he won the German Digital Award as well as the Online Communication Award 2021, among others.
Between 2013 and 2018, he was a lecturer for journalism, marketing and voice training at the School of Audio Engineering (https://www.sae.edu/deu/de) in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne. From 2015 to 2020, he was a lecturer in CrossMedia and Voice Education at the Business and Information Technology School (now University of Europe for Applied Sciences, https://www.ue-germany.com/de). Since 2014 he has taught journalism, marketing and speech training at the SRH University Berlin (https://www.srh-berlin.de) and since 2022 rhetoric at the Cologne Business School (https://www.cbs.de).
In November 2020, he joined the Hochschule für Musik, more precisely the Institute for Music Journalism, as a lecturer in the Department of Music Journalism for Broadcasting and Multimedia. There he leads the podcast seminar and supervises students in journalistic reporting on the university's own social media channels.
In addition to teaching, Björn Krass is a rhetoric trainer, vice-chairman of the board of trustees of the Berlin Music Commission (https://www.berlin-music-commission.de), he conceived the programme of the "Training Day" at the Reeperbahn Festival (https://www.reeperbahnfestival.com/de/startseite), is a teacher of confidence, a networker in the creative industry and a representative of Berlin's lay judges.
Still not enough information? Then just click here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timthaler ;-)
You can reach Bjoern Krass either by email (bjoern.krass@gmail.com) or by phone on 0179 5026430.
M bjoern.krass@gmail.com
T 0049 (0)179 5026430