
Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Recherchieren am Katalog


Opening hours during the semester

Mon · Thu 10:30am – 6pm
Fri 10:30am – 4pm


Contact persons

Management, new material acquisitions:
Marc Weisser
T +49-(0)721-6629-212

Orchestral material, cataloging:
Antje Abels
T +49-(0)721-6629-216

Borrowing, reference desk, cataloging:
Claudia Stehle
T +49-(0)721-6629-210

Borrowing, reference desk:
Irène Naegelin, Oliver Huttel
T +49-(0)721-6629-210




The musicsearch catalogue can be searched for books, sheet music and sound recordings in the library.

Opening hours during the semester break

From 10 February - 28 March 2025 the library is open from Monday - Friday 12.00 - 16.00 hrs.


EZB - Electronic Journals Library

The journal library is a service for using scientific journals in full text.
For more information, see the links listed below.

Access to the EZB:

Direct link to the accessible musicological journals:

You can find the ECB's help pages here:


Inventory list

All books, musical scores, journals, and reference works are freely accessible and organized by subject area. The titles are arranged alphabetically within classification groups by author / composer or individual title. Digital and analog sound recordings are available upon request at the reference desk.

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Blick auf den Bestand

Library use

The library is for the exclusive use by the University of Music Karlsruhe community. To enter, please show your student ID at the reference desk.

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Arbeitsplätze auf der Empore

Online catalog

An online catalog may be found by clicking The University and Library on the homepage of the University of Music Karlsruhe. You may search the catalog for items and reserve books and musical scores there.
Link to online catalog

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Katalog

My account

Log into the online catalog by clicking My Account, then enter your account number and password. The account numbers are listed on student ID cards (for example, B-000000). The preset password is your date of birth in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY, e.g. 01.01.1995. We recommend you to change the default password to a new one after the initial login!

Should the password be forgotten, it can be reset by clicking Password forgotten. My Account contains information on material loans, renewals, and overdue fines, among other data.
Accounts are to be reactivated annually. To renew an account, present your student ID with the current semester's validation at the circulation desk.

All changes of street address, telephone number, and email contact must be communicated promptly to the library.

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Empore

Checkout period / renewals

Books and musical scores may be checked out for four weeks. Sound recordings are not available for check-out, but are ready for reference use on the audio platforms in the library.  Books may be renewed for up to three times, and musical scores for up to six times. An automatically generated email will be sent out three days before the due date, to serve as a helpful reminder, not as a legal obligation from the library. Items may be renewed in person at the circulation desk as well as online (click on My Account).

Please note that books and musical scores may not be renewed if they have been reserved by other users or have already been renewed for the allowed maximum number of times. In such cases, the items should be returned promptly.

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Arbeitsplätze

Overdue fines

When the items are not renewed or returned on time, an overdue fine will be issued (fee per overdue item):

1st notice 1,50€
2nd notice 3,00€
3rd notice 6,50€
4th notice 6,50€

Semester breaks and residence abroad do not release the users' obligation to check their account and to renew their items.


Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Treppenaufgang auf die Empore

Solfège lesson books

The Maat en ritme and Modus novus solfège lesson books are available at the circulation desk. They may be borrowed for a full semester. Should they be needed for more than one semester, please return them to the circulation desk before the assigned due date and request a renewal. Online renewals only allow for a maximum of two extensions, each lasting a four week period, an extention for a full semester may only be obtained by renewing the items in person at the circulation desk.


Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Abhörplätze auf der Empore

Interlibrary loan

Books and scores unavailable at the University of Music Karlsruhe Library may not be borrowed by interlibrary loan. If needed, the Baden State Library (BLB) should be able to help.

Orchestral parts

Orchestral parts must be returned to the library within three days after each concert. As a rule, these are rented materials that must be returned to their publishers. Any charges for delayed or lost materials are to be beared by the borrower.

Bibliothek der HfM Karlsruhe im Schloss Gottesaue - Blick auf den Bestand