
Logo des Freundeskreises der HfM Karlsruhe e.V.


Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe
At Schloss Gottesaue 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Tatjana Funk
T +49-(0)721-66 29-505
F +49-(0)721-66 29-266

Office hours
Donnerstags 10.00-13.00 Uhr


Sparkasse Karlsruhe
IBAN DE81 66050101 0108 4034 86


Since 1976, the University of Music Karlsruhe has had a group of friends and supporters, now more than 1,000 in number, who are involved in a variety of ways.
Many thanks to our friends for their achievements so far!

Of course, our university still needs more good friends - especially at this time, which is not easy for culture, to help it remain an attractive training facility and, at the same time, an important cultural institution for Karlsruhe.


What can be done?

There are different ways to become involved:

  • Join us
    Become a member of the Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe.
    Annual fees are only 25 euros. Donors receive free entry to all Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe events and discounts at prominent university concerts, and actively participate in university life by supporting the university and the work of the Friends in a sustainable manner
    . → To the membership application

  • We look forward to hearing from you!
    Enable the Friends of the University of Music Karlsruhe so that we may offer help where it is most needed. Donations support students in financial need with scholarships while supporting university implementation of musical and scientific projects and events that would otherwise be impossible.