Further Information
ErlebnisMusik! – Projekt Die Probe
ErlebnisMusik!-Projekt im Kinderhaus Aue
ErlebnisMusik!-Projekt Cellicatessen
ErlebnisMusik! – Projekt Couch-Gespräche 1
ErlebnisMusik! – Projekt Couch-Gespräche 2
ErlebnisMusik! – Projekt Couch-Gespräche 3
ErlebnisMusik! – Projekt Couch-Gespräche 4
Experiencing Music! Concerts for Children and Young People
Since the start of the Experiencing Music! projects in 2009, determined students from different courses at the University of Music Karlsruhe have developed and designed new concert projects each semester under the supervision of the music instructor Professor Dr. Mirjam Boggasch. By carefully selecting cooperative partners, students try to reach as many children and young people as possible, especially those who usually have little contact with the full range of classical music. With an imaginative framework and hands-on activities such as singing, movement, performing music, and ensemble dancing, each concert becomes a musical experience. A particular highlight is the opportunity for audience members to try out instruments on offer for themselves. Through individually designed concert experiences, the students communicate their enthusiasm for music to young listeners, motivating them to enjoy their own musical experiences, and students are always pleasedto be of assistance. Return visits to different facilities, some of which are also linked to mini-teaching units, and invitations to diverse concert projects in Gottesaue Palace lead to sustainable music delights.
Further Information
Experiencing Music! at the Schloss-Geister Day Care Center and Water Tower Elementary School
The Experiencing Music! team also designs regular semester projects at day care centers and schools. For example, at the Water Tower Elementary School, student instrumentalists, singers, and recorder players supervised three groups of students in the corporate area. Since 2013, solid cooperation has developed with an extensive network of human resource and information contacts. Each week, students design concrete, hands-on musical adventures for an Experiencing Music! children's group. Students might visit the nearby Kita Schloss-Geister Kindergarten in Karlsruhe, or a group of children at Gottesaue Palace learn about a range of small and large instruments, from piccolo and ukulele to violin, viola, cello, and double bass, all varieties of flutes, guitars and percussion instruments, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, cor anglais, trumpet, horn, trombone and tuba, harp, voice and accordion as well as piano, harpsichord, and organ.

Experiencing Music! in Cooperation with the Special Education and Counseling Center, Focusing on Hearing and Language
Since 2018, in a special Experiencing Music! program, master's degree students in music education have enabled hearing-impaired students from Erich Kästner Primary School. After a tour of the castle, children learn in a vivid way which instruments play in an orchestra, what a score is and what is the practical role of the conductor. Directly before orchestra rehearsals, they become acquainted with different orchestral instruments onstage, experience and feel different ways of playing and listening, and even try instruments themselves, as they experience an orchestral rehearsal up close.

Experiencing Music! in Cooperation with the Childhood Cancer Association Association (Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e.V. )
In 2018, as part of final projects in the Master's Program in Music Education, children and parents from the Bandit’s Stronghold of the Municipal Clinic (Friends of the Childhood Cancer Association/ Childcare Center for Siblings and Children Patients) experienced aspecial afternoon at CampusOne – Gottesaue Palace. Together with their guides, they heard a story with music, were invited to create individual scenes musically and showed special interest in individual instruments and the concert grand piano.

Further Information
Kein Hexenwerk - das Kinder-Mitmach-Orchester im Festspielhaus Baden-Baden
Kinder-Mitmach-Orchester Karneval der Tiere
Kinder-Mitmach-Orchester Der Zauberlehrling
The Children's Participatory Orchestra in Cooperation with Baden-Baden Festival Hall
For the fifth time since 2012, as part of the Experiencing Music! program, University of Music Karlsruhe students under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mirjam Boggasch explored the pedagogical concept of a Great Children's Participatory Orchestra at Baden-Baden Festival Hall. The students designed presentations inspired by Peter and the Wolf, Hansel and Gretel, Carnival of the Animals, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. There was also a two-day program experience on the topic Planets. In individual group rehearsals, University of Music Karlsruhe students explore individual requirements and personalities of about 200 children. Some have musical and instrumental training, but many do not. They practice specially arranged play along/ sing along vocal roles and with young musicians who are prepared for the hands-on orchestra joint final concert with the university orchestra, in a program hosted by Anke Engelke and Juri Tetzlaff. With solid commitment and versatile instrumental skill, students can inspire young children who participate in music festivals in the orchestral rally and more mature concertgoers with instrumental and musical magic, as all orchestral instruments are explored and experimented with. In different workshops, children encounter music in a variety of ways; with students, there is dancing, singing, conjuring, tinkering, playing, rocking and rapping, painting, listening, composing and conducting, grooving with flying brooms, and discovering computer voices and instrumental sounds.

Art and Music Education Project in Cooperation with the Karlsruhe State Art Gallery
Cooperation between the master's degree program in music education and the Karlsruhe State Art Gallery began with a jointly designed art and music education project. It stemmed from cooperation between the Gallery's art education department and music education as supervised by Professor Dr. Mirjam Boggasch on a cross-generational project for young people and old audiences as part of European Heritage Days 2016. In the program, the Gallery created a weekly presentation for young refugees. Master's degree students have the opportunity to develop their own music education concepts in cooperation with the responsible art educators and experiment with them in the Gallery. A joint trip with the MusicMobile, such as to Toccarion – the World of Children's Music Baden-Baden, advances the exciting semester projects involved with painting, other artworks, and music.

Cooperation at KiX Children’s Culture Festival
Since 2013, Experiencing Music! has also been part of the major KiX Children’s Culture Festival in Karlsruhe. Repeatedly, students supervised by Professor Dr. Mirjam Boggasch held holiday workshops in which children at the KiX Festival spent four days at the University of Music, enjoyed a children's concert, played drums, and became acquainted with many other instruments, were invited to produce a radio show, and acquired insights into musical theater.