Freundeskreis Scholarships awarded

16. July 2024
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The Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe e. V. (Circle of friends) has awarded two students with a scholarship: bassoonist Antía Fernández Moscoso and pianist Uram Kim. The award ceremony by Dr. h. c. Hans C. Hachmann, Chairman of the Freundeskreis, was to take place during the academic celebration at the beginning of the summer semester, but had to be cancelled due to corona restrictions.

Die Fagottistin Antía Fernández Moscoso

Antía Fernández Moscoso completed her bachelor's degree at the Conservatory in Zaragoza with Juan Sapiña and since 2013 at the Conservatory of Music in San Sebastián with Prof. David Tomàs-Realp and Higinio Arrué. In 2016 she began her master studies with Prof. David Tomàs-Realp at the University of Music Karlsruhe. In the academic year 2016-2017 she was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Antía Fernández has played in orchestras such as the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Badische Staatskapelle, the Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg, the Orquesta y Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid, the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra and the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra, as well as solo bassoonist with the Bergische Symphoniker. She is currently an intern at the Musikkollegium Winterthur in Switzerland, where she has performed with well-known soloists such as Emmanuel Pahud and Christian Zacharias.

Der Pianist Uram Kim

Uram Kim took piano lessons and began composing in 2003. In Germany since 2008, he was taught by Johanna Heutling at Dr. Hoch's Conservatory in Frankfurt, before he began his bachelor studies in Karlsruhe with Prof. Sontraud Speidel in 2013, which he continued with a master's degree in 2017. He won first prizes at the IV International Piano Competition Wiesbaden (2009), at the national competition "Jugend musiziert" (2011 solo, 2012 four-handed), at the International Piano Competition ROMA (2014) and at the International Niendorf Piano Competition (2016), among others. Uram Kim has often performed as a soloist, including in 2016 with Viktor Ullmann's Piano Concerto at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, in 2017 with Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto in Baden-Baden and in 2018 as selected "Rising Star" with Brahms' 2nd Piano Concerto in Stuttgart. Since 2019 he forms a song duo with the soprano Hyunseon Kang.
