Both Puccini's Suor Angelica and Giordano's one-act opera Mese mariano are characterised by a clearly defined plot, strong emotions and a tragic ending - at least visible to the audience.
lyrical mood and the almost complete renunciation of the use of contrasting male voices can be regarded as a precursor to Puccini's opera. Musically and in terms of content, the similarities between the two works, which complement each other perfectly in one evening, are obvious. The basic conflict is similar in both works, even if the solution is different: as mothers of an illegitimate child, the two protagonists become social outsiders who see their situation as a punishment, as they feel guilty towards their children without being able to take responsibility for their situation themselves.
Look forward to a gripping evening of opera with inspiring young singers, great melodies and touching fates.
Review of the A-premiere in the Badische Neueste Nachrichten →
Further information on the last performance on 9th November here ...