New publication: "Because every note counts" - Interpreting Mozart

16. July 2024
Coverfoto "Mozart interpretieren"

"Because every note counts": This is the interpretive credo that Alfred Brendel outlines in this recently published book. It is an invitation to reflect on how to deal with Mozart's music, on what is commonly called "interpretation" and what has always been fundamentally changed. In conversations and essays, famous Mozart interpreters and renowned music researchers formulate their experiences and insights: What was it called and what does it mean to perform Mozart?
Talks with Alfred Brendel, Brigitte Fassbaender, John Eliot Gardiner, Christian Gerhaher, Hartmut Haenchen, Markus Hinterhäuser, René Jacobs, Frank Peter Zimmermann, Tabea Zimmermann

Essays by Ulrich Konrad, Robert D. Levin, Stephan Mösch, Wolfgang Rathert, Thomas Seedorf

Publishers: Bärenreiter, Kassel & Metzler, Berlin 2020

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