Current hygiene concept for university operations (Status 2.11.2020)

23. October 2024

The Karlsruhe University of Music is doing everything in its power to ensure that teaching is maintained at a high level of quality even under the complicated pandemic conditions. This includes permanently updating the hygiene concepts for the operation of the university and for the organisation of events on the basis of the legal regulations. Relevant documents in their actual version you can find here:

• Hygienekonzept Unterricht
• Hygienekonzept Unterricht Anlage 1: Erklärung zum Zutritts- und Teilnahmeverbot nach § 7 CoronaVO
• Hygienekonzept Unterricht Anlage 2: Formular zur Dokumentation des Aufenthalts in Unterrichtsräumen

• Regeln zur Veranstaltungsorganisation sowie zum Besucher- und Hygienekonzept im Wintersemester 2020–2021

For the month of November all events are cancelled.