Arrived: Ukrainian students at the Karlsruhe University of Music

24. March 2022
Studentinnen aus der Ukraine
Foto PR

After hardship-filled and extremely stressful days of flight from the Ukrainian war zones, the first six female students from Kyiv arrived today at the Karlsruhe University of Music. It is expected that more students will arrive from Ukraine in the coming weeks. They will all receive guest student status from the university for up to two semesters. Until they can receive their official status as refugees and thus maintenance and accommodation, they will have to be accommodated privately. For this opportunity, the Karlsruhe University of Music would like to especially thank the host parents who will empathetically take care of the new students from today on. The University would also like to thank the Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe e. V. and its members, as well as the many other people in and around Karlsruhe who are willing to help. At the university itself, students, together with the AStA (General Students' Committee) and the International Office, make an effort to welcome the new fellow students, to integrate them into university life on campus and to support them in their everyday lives. Lecturers will teach them with personal extra effort. In doing so, they give them the chance not to have to interrupt or even drop out of their studies and to be able to maintain their career prospects.

At our university, people from around 60 nations live and work together every day - regardless of linguistic, religious or ethnic boundaries. The value of such peaceful togetherness is particularly evident these days. We welcome the people from Ukraine!

Ukrainische Studentinnen und ihre Gasteltern
The students together with their host parents.