Portrait concert Almeida Prado

Plakatmotiv I Festival Alemanha Brasil 2024

Music by Almeida Prado, Lili Boulanger and Nadia Boulanger
with readings of extracts from the correspondence between Almeida Prado and Nadia Boulanger

Andrea Adour soprano
Ingrid Barancoski piano





For many years, the Karlsruhe University of Music has been linked to several universities in Brazil through partnership agreements, including UNIRIO and the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). In numerous summer academies sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in masterclasses and at many joint concerts, the students and their lecturers from Karlsruhe and Brazil have got to know and appreciate each other and have filled this partnership with life. As a result, many young Brazilian musicians study in Karlsruhe and are able to embark on their careers from here.

Former Vice-Rector Prof. Michael Uhde, who passed away in January 2024 and to whose memory this first joint German-Brazilian festival is dedicated, played a major role in the development of this exemplary and mutually beneficial collaboration.

Eventtype: Lied und Vokalmusik · Lied and Vocal Music
25. June · 07:30 PM
CampusOne - Schloss Gottesaue · Velte-Saal

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe



Admission free.
Tickets at entrance.