Peter Konwitschny · Music theatre direction

Der Regisseur Peter Konwitschny

Peter Konwitschny, son of the former Gewandhaus conductor Franz Konwitschny, studied stage direc­ting at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin, where he has been an honorary professor since 2001. His new approach to the scenic inter­pretation of Handel's operas gained significance in the theatre history from 1984. Since 1985 he has worked at many major theatres in Germany and abroad. His interpretations of Wagner operas opened up a new phase in the exploration of his work. Peter Konwitschny has been intensively in­volved with the great composers of the 20th cen­tury and has staged numerous world premieres. In Graz, the Opera House was awarded the title "Opera House of the Year" in 2001, following the performance of three Verdi operas staged by him. In Hamburg (Opera of the Year 2005) he created eleven productions between 1998 and 2005. From 2008 to 2011 he was chief stage director of the Leipzig Opera. His productions are characterized by the goal of developing "the spectator who continues to work on his work" (Brecht). Six times he has been named "Stage director of the Year".




Eventtype: Karlsruher Meisterklassen · Karlsruhe Masterclasses
16. July · 01:59 PM
CampusOne · Marstall R201

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