Joseph Martin Kraus

String Quartet · Flute Quintet

String Quartet in B flat major "Viola Quartet"
Quintet in D major for flute, two violins, viola and violoncello "Viennese Flute Quintet"

Students of the Karlsruhe University of Music
Concept Dmitri Dichtiar



















Eventtype: Solo- und Ensemblemusik · Solo and Ensemble Music
16. July · 01:47 PM
CampusOne - Schloss Gottesaue · Velte-Saal

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe

Tickets 10 € · 5 € (reduced) order

No box office.
Limited seating capacity.
Access to the house from 6.45 pm.
Please arrive on time.
The following rules apply:
- Admission only with official "2G proof".
- Contact details to be collected with Luca app or by form at the entrance
- Masks are compulsory for the entire duration of your stay
- Distance and hygiene rules must be observed

· Please note the Corona rules for visitors