Growing up without a classical music background in a family of non-musicians, ending up as a classical composer came as somewhat of a surprise to me, initially. I had been composing a lot for my band since my early teens, however, even if it took till I was at the conservatory until I started writing scores. I owe the biggest credit to my mentor Klaas de Vries, who encouraged and supported my composing since day one. Without him, I would be nowhere today.
Besides Klaas and my other Rotterdam teachers Peter-Jan Wagemans and René Uylenhoet, I followed courses and masterclasses with a.o. George Crumb, Magnus Lindberg, Michael Gandolfi, Bright Sheng, Osvaldo Golijov, Steven Mackey, Tran-Quang Hai and Kaja Saariaho (composition) and Manolo Sanlucar, Manolo Franco, Paco Serrano, Michael Tröster and Dieter Kreidler (guitar). I received two fellowships from the Tanglewood Music Center, the elite summer school of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, in 2001 and 2002, as well as scholarships from Gaudeamus (1997) and the Wilhelm Bitter- and Schuurman-Schimmel van Outeren foundations.
Since early on in my studies, I have been writing for distinguished musicians in the contemporary classical world. My music was written for and performed by the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, Radio Kamer Filharmonisch Orkest, Metropole Orkest, Nederlands Balletorkest, Rotterdam Philharmonic Strings, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Rotterdam Ensemble, Ricciotti Ensemble, Nederlands Studenten Orkest, Nederlands Studenten Kamerorkest, Utrechtsch Studenten Concert, Lundi Bleu, Neon Ensemble (NL), Orchester des 13.Tons (Bavarian Chamber Orchestra, D), US Army Orchestra (USA), Asko Ensemble, Doelen Ensemble, Nieuw Ensemble, Domestica Rotterdam, New Trombone Collective, Lunapark, Rotterdam Philharmonic Brass, Nederlands Vocaal Laboratorium, Valerius Ensemble, Percussive Rotterdam, Mondriaan Quartet, Orkest De Volharding, Ensemble Royal Den Haag, Cappella Amsterdam, Calefax Rietkwintet, Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor, Zapp4, Chamber Choir PA'dam, David Kweksilber Big Band, StrAcc, Slagwerk Den Haag, Black Pencil, Ragazze Kwartet, Cobra Ensemble, Bermuda, Insomniac's Lullaby, Tetzepi, De Watertoren, Aarre Ensemble, Another Roadside Attraction, Quasar Quartet, Pianoduo Post / Mulder (NL), Ralph van Raat, Laurens de Boer, René Eckhardt, Arnold Marinissen, Jörgen van Rijen, André Heuvelman, Maria Dingjan, Julija Hartig, Jan Rokyta, Diangelo Cicilia, Henk Neven, Aart Strootman, Oscar Alblas, Anne Faulborn, René Groothof, Oscar Siegelaar (NL), Bl!ndman Saxophone Quartet, Walpurgis (BE) T'ang Quartet, Tanglewood Contemporary Music Ensemble, Tanglewood Festival Chorus, Ensemble Melomania, Bonnie Hampton (USA) and the Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (RUS).
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe
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