Choir and BigBand concert

Chor mit Bigband

Wolfram Buchenberg
Missa ad maiorem Dei gloriam

An absolutely rousing mass setting for large choir with big band and solo baritone, influenced by Latin jazz. In it, Wolfram Buchenberg makes the overcoming of modern man's fears through faith evident. The mass is equally suitable for concert and liturgical performance. (Carus Publishing house)

Michael Villmow 
Da Pacem - Give us peace

The textual basis for "Da Pacem - Give Us Peace" is, on the one hand, the word "peace" sung, partly whispered, chanted or shouted in many languages, and on the other hand, the prayer for peace attributed to Francis of Assisi, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace".
Villmow's sources of inspiration for many of his instrumental and vocal works are the music of Norway and the clarity of Gregorian chant, which he brings together to create surprising and colourful sounds.




Iman Kubba soprano
Hakyeul Lee baritone

BigBand of the University of Music Karlsruhe
Rehearsed by Peter Lehel

Choir of the Karlsruhe University of Music
Conductor Prof. Matthias Beckert

Eventtype: Chormusik · Choral Music
8. February · 07:30 PM

Kaiserallee 2 · 76133 Karlsruhe



15 € · 10 € (red.)
Advance booking starts on 1 September
at the ReserviX advance booking offices
or directly here: → Online order (ReserviX)
(plus advance booking fees)
Remaining tickets at the box office from 1 hour before the event.

Free tickets are available for everyone up to the age of 18, students from all universities, vocational school students, those doing a voluntary social year and federal voluntary service, as well as for Kulturlots:innen.
Free tickets are available at the box office, depending on free places.