11 a.m. Hendrik Rekers
with, among others, the school band of the Heisenberg Gymnasium Ettlingen
approx. 12 noon Niklas Läßle
with a choir of students from the Karlsruhe University of Music, among others
cancelled: approx. 1 p.m. Carla Schmid
with the Neureut-Kirchfeld and Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen trombone choirs, among others
All students enrolled in the Artistic Teaching degree program at the Karlsruhe University of Music in the summer semester '24 and all students who have already completed this degree program in Karlsruhe but are still studying the academic subject are eligible to participate.
Prize winners from previous years cannot participate again.
Contents of the competition
The participants must present themselves within approx. 35 minutes in a soloistically versatile, coherently conceived, artistically convincing presentation, which may well have an innovative character. Solo, chamber music and ensemble conducting parts alternate. All subjects are available as solo instrumental subjects, at least two different ones should be chosen. The chosen ensemble(s) can also be chosen from a broad spectrum (conducting a choir, orchestra, band, dance group with musical accompaniment, etc.).
One part can pursue an explicitly artistic-educational approach and, for example, be arranged to teach music or be performed with a children's/youth/amateur group. In the subsequent discussion, the students have the opportunity to provide further insights into the program design and development and, if necessary, to answer questions from the commission.
The competition is open to the public. There will not be an additional prizewinners' concert.
Made possible by Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe e. V.

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe
Free admission.