A virtual music festival as an immersive 3D audio experience
Titelblatt Futurologischer Kongress

Ari3l, or Ariel for short, is an AI whose development began back in 2020. She is a synthesis of human, sex robot and landscape portrait.
Alexander Schubert "A Vertex Hand Touches My Forehead."

Why did we dream in images and not in sounds? For years, the Mexican composer recorded his sister's dreams and finally decoded that world of sound that we otherwise immediately forgot upon awakening. Thanks to his research, people today can dream in pure sound.
Andrés Nuño de Buen "Dream Log 33.z"

For a long time, the audio game led a shadowy existence next to the video game. Unlike the rapidly obsolete graphics of video games, the sounds of audio games are still relevant after almost 100 years.
Jlin "Autopilot"

A probe sends sounds through space as radio waves: a voice, a flute, and a drum beat. Reflected off planets, satellites or space debris, they return to her, altered by contact with the body she finds.
Catnapp "Nadia's Rover"

Lunar ornithologist presents the result of her studies: bird species that have migrated from Earth to the Moon in recent decades.
Marcela Lucatelli "Moonbirds"

An antique computer boots up. On the MacBook Pro from 2018, an algorithm has been running for one hundred years, calculating how music might sound today. The program presents its results, proving itself right: this is how music sounds today.
Luis Codera Puzo "Los Enemigos De La Paciencia"

The prodigy of our solar system: little big Fyodor. He has a set of musical toys that, as soon as he touches them, emit sounds.
Vincent Wikström "Baby"

Florian is not quite thawed out yet. He is playing today, semi-upright out of his cryo-tank. Like his colleague Jan, he plays the EWI, an electronic wind instrument from 2005. Karl-Friedrich joins him on an e-drum set, an electronic drum kit.
Meat Karaoke Quality Time "Crater Gate"

The glaring light reflects from the inside of the gigantic dome and mirrors the view of the stars. Thousands of people stare at each other in horror. The space looks completely different from what they had imagined - even the people around them, they are ugly!
Nico Sauer "Noah's Fifth"

Eventtype: Musikinformatik & Elektronische Musik · Music Informatics & Electronical Music
5. February · 10:56 AM
CampusOne · Wolfgang-Rihm-Forum

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe