Students of the class Prof. Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Robert Schumann (1819–1856)
Der Soldat (The Soldier, Text: H. C. Andersen, transl. Chamisso)
Die beiden Grenadiere (The Two Grenadiers, Text: Heinrich Heine)
Joshua Ruddock bass-baritone
Tse Ann Lee piano
Modest P. Mussorgski (1839–1881)
Lieder und Tänze des Todes (Songs and dances of death)
(Text: Arseny A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov)
I. Wiegenlied (Lullaby)
II. Serenade
III. Trepak
IV. Der Feldherr (The commander)
Karl Andrej Beier bass
Pavel Chatzipavlidis piano
Myroslav Skoryk (1938–2020)
Drei Hochzeitslieder (Three wedding songs, folk song)
I. Die Schwalben (The swallows)
II. Es rauschte die Hasel (The hazel tree rustled)
III. Die Tore neigen sich (The gates are bowing)
Mariia Sytailo soprano
Sorim Lee piano
He Luting (1903–1999)
Am Jialing-Fluss (By the Jialing River, Text: Duanmu Hongliang)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)
from: Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute, Text: Emanuel Schikaneder)
„In diesen heil’gen Hallen“ Arie des Sarastro ("In these sacred halls" Aria of Sarastro)
Jiaqi Wang bass
Sorim Lee piano
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
from: Des Knaben Wunderhorn
(Text: Achim von Arnim · Clemens Brentano)
Das irdische Leben (The earthly life)
Das himmlische Leben (The heavenly life)
Urlicht (Primordial light)
Claudia Pereira mezzosoprano
Maine Takeda soprano
Sorim Lee piano
Event of Badische Landesbibliothek, Kulturfonds Baden e. V. and Karlsruhe University of Music

Erbprinzenstraße 15 · 76133 Karlsruhe
Free admission.
Donations requested.