Christoph Prégardien · Hartmut Höll

Song Recital
Der Tenor Christoph Prégardien


Franz Schubert
Selected Lieder

Robert Schumann
Lieder after texts by Justinus Kerner op. 35


Christoph Prégardien Tenor
Hartmut Höll Klavier


Hans Morren

16. July · 09:53 AM
CampusOne · Wolfgang-Rihm-Forum

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe


15 € · 10 € (erm) → order
No box office.
Restricted seat capacity.
Access to the venue from 6.45 p.m.
Please arrive on time.

The following rules apply:
- Admission only with official "3G proof".
- Contact data collection with Luca app or by form at the entrance
- Mask obligation for the entire duration of the stay
- Distance and hygiene rules must be observed