Standard Course
- 8 semesters BA Secondary-School Arts Teacher Training (School Music)
Parallel zum BA-Studium muss ein wissenschaftliches Fach (BA/MA Leramt Gamnasium) an einer Universität studiert werden; Studienbeginn an der Universität ist in der Regel im dritten Studiensemester Künstlerisches Lehramt.
- BA of Music
Study and Examination Regulations
Curricula - Appendix I
Module plans - Appendix II
Intermediate Test Requirements - Appendix III
Work Placements
A three-week orientation internship must be completed as part of the BA course. It is recommended to complete the orientation internship within the first three semesters of study.
Internship Semester
Due to ministerial requirements, the internship semester may only be completed in the MA arts teaching post at secondary schools (School Music).