Sonata Recital Ludwig van Beethoven

The sonatas for piano and violin | violoncello (4th concert)
Beethoven unter der Lupe

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata in E flat major op. 12 Nr. 3
Michaela Lieder violin · Ruben Meliksetian piano

Sonata in c minor op. 30 Nr. 2
Ekaterina Merzliakova violin · Uram Kim piano

Sonata in C major op. 102 Nr. 1
Xiaolu Li violoncello · NN piano





Eventtype: Solo- und Ensemblemusik · Solo and Ensemble Music
16. July · 11:30 AM
CampusOne - Schloss Gottesaue · Velte-Saal

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe


15 € · 10 € (erm) → Order
No box office.
Limited seating capacity.
Access to the concert hall from 6:45 p.m.
Please arrive on time.
The following rules apply:
- Admission only with official "3G proof".
- Contact data collection with Luca app or by form at the entrance
- Mask obligation for the entire duration of the stay
- Distance and hygiene rules must be observed