"Change of Pen"

16. July 2024
Wolfram Scherer

With heartfelt thanks for his many years of great, meritorious service and cooperation in a spirit of partnership, the previous chancellor Wolfram Scherer retired on March 30 after thirty-five years in this office. The highest degree of reliability and often surprising, invigorating creativity characterized his work and contributed to the good public image of our university.

Goodbye and all the best!

Daniela Schneider

Fotos: MD (Wolfram Scherer) · Jörg Donecker (Daniela Schneider)

The successor in the chancellorship is now Daniela Schneider. She is both a fully qualified lawyer and a musician, both with many years of experience. Most recently, she worked as a government director and officer for music colleges and music promotion in the arts department of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Welcome and all the best!