Dmitri D. Schostakowitsch (1906–1975)
String quartet N° 8 c minor op. 110 (version for chamber orchestra)
Olivier Messiaen (1908–1992)
„Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum“
for winds orchestra and percussion
Robert Schumann (1810–1856)
Symphony N° 3 E flat major op. 97 „Rheinische Sinfonie“
Chamber orchestra of Karlsruhe University of Music
direction Prof. German Tcakulov and Prof. Will Sanders (Messiaen)
Moderation Dr. Arabella Pare
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe
15 € · 10 € (red.)
Advance booking starts on March 20th
at the ReserviX advance booking offices
or directly here: → Online order (ReserviX)
(plus advance booking fees)
Remaining tickets at the box office from 1 hour before the event.
Free tickets are available for everyone up to the age of 18, students from all universities, vocational school students, those doing a voluntary social year and federal voluntary service, as well as for Kulturlots:innen.
Free tickets are available at the box office, depending on free places.