Compositions by Menghao Xie and Klara Mlakar

World premiere concert - soloist exam
Komposition (Symbolbild)

Compositions by Menghao Xie

The observation of SuperJulika 2023 UA
(Soprano with live electronics)
Julika Hing, soprano

Finalblink 2023 DE
(Duo with live electronics and live video)
Yue Zou, piano
Michihiro Yoshida, percussion

Impromptu 2023 UA
(Duo for piano and FM-Synthesizer)
Yue Zou, FM-Synthesizer
Michihiro Yoshida, piano

4 Alpträume 2023 UA
(Fixed-media with Dolby Atmos 7.1.4)
Lotte Krüger, voice
1) Hexe (Witch)
2) Wecker Loop (Alarm Clock Loop)
3) Fallen
4) Tod der Mutter (Death of the mother)
(Synthetic arrangement of the piece "Frontispiece" by Maurice Ravel)

Chasing Game 2023 DE
(Quartet with live electronics)
Prof. Manuel Nawri, conductor
Peng-Yun Ting, violin
Yangkai Lin, violoncello
Yue Zou, synthesizer
Xinxin Li, clarinet


Compositions by Klara Mlakar

Give me the flute and sing
for piano and soprano

Under your skin…
for piano trio

Deeper into your shadow
for 8 horns

Meet me in my nightmares
for prepared piano and video

Logo Institut für Neue Musik 2022
Eventtype: Neue Musik · Contemporary Music
Tue, 30. January · 07:30 PM
CampusOne · Wolfgang-Rihm-Forum

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe



Admission free.
Tickets at entrance.