Simon Denda from Karlsruhe wins student Oscar in Los Angeles

16. July 2024
Simon Denda

Two up-and-coming directors from German film schools have been awarded a student Oscar in Los Angeles along with another 15 students from around the world. One of them is Simon Denda from Karlsruhe. He teaches "production" and "screenplay" as a lecturer in the Institute for Music Journalism at the Karlsruhe University of Music.

He had always dreamed of being awarded by the Oscar Academy one day, said Simon Denda, who was born in Karlsruhe in 1987. "This is just great."

And Institute Director Prof. Jürgen Christ is happy with his lecturer: "I am very proud and happy to know Simon Denda in our ranks, he is a highly talented, empathetic person and stands for the high quality of our education. On behalf of the entire team and all students, I can only heartily congratulate him on his great success."

The Oscar honours took place in a virtual ceremony due to corona, the Academy of Oscars announced.

This year, 210 American and 126 international universities had submitted more than 1,400 entries. The winners can now enter their films in the Oscar competition in 2022.