Christoph Prégardien

KARLSRUHER MEISTERKLASSEN · 6.–9. Oktober · The Art of Lied
Der Tenor Christoph Prégardien








Eventtype: Karlsruher Meisterklassen · Karlsruhe Masterclasses
16. July · 09:34 AM
CampusOne - Schloss Gottesaue · Velte-Saal

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe

This master class is open to the public.
Free admission. Registration by email required by Oct. 4.
The following rules apply:
- Admission only with official "3G proof".
- Contact data collection with Luca app or by form at the entrance
- Masks are mandatory for the entire duration of the stay
- Distance and hygiene rules must be observed


→ eMail