The newly elected Rector, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt, as well as the long-time Rector who left office, Prof. Hartmut Höll, were available to the Bachelor's students for exciting interviews, which were created as part of the seminar "Interview Film". Lecturer Karsten Kurowski supervised the students during preparation and filming.
"The students are the most important thing for me"
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt, the new rector of the Karlsruhe University of Music, in conversation
Der… Weiterlesen
In 2026, the Bayreuth Festival will celebrate its 150th anniversary. This is the occasion for an extensive and interdisciplinary third-party funded project at the Karlsruhe University of Music, led by Prof. Dr. Stephan Mösch and supported by the Bareva Foundation (Vaduz) with 400,000 euros. The project is scheduled to run for five years. It operates at the interface of scientific and artistic research, examines music theater discursively in social space, and probes contemporary forms of… Weiterlesen
Handing over the baton at the Karlsruhe University of Music
Prof. Hartmut Höll hands over to Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt
As part of a ceremony marking the 51st anniversary of the Karlsruhe University of Music, the handover of the rector's office took place on 11 October 2022. The pianist and lied accompanist Hartmut Höll has led the Hochschule since 2007, and he will remain with the Hochschule's lied class. As rector, he now passed the baton to musicologist Matthias Wiegandt, who… Weiterlesen
Thursday · October 13, 2022
1p.m.–3 p.m. · Fany-Solter-Haus
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A few days after the new rector of the Karlsruhe University of Music, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt, took office, the university's senate also elected three new prorectors by a large majority: Prof. Dr. Mirjam Boggasch will in future represent the areas of networking, scholarship matters and the International Office, Prof. Nachum Erlich will be responsible for matters of artistic practice, and Prof. Dr. Peter Overbeck will devote himself to those tasks that concern the areas of teaching, studies… Weiterlesen