Editing as original

Functions and aesthetics of transcription around 1900

Friday 18 October
3.00 pm - Marstall
Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Isolde's Liebestod from "Tristan and Isolde"
Yu-Hsien Chen Piano
Introduction to the conference
Prof. Dr Susanne Popp
Dr. Christian Schaper
Prof. Dr. Thomas Seedorf

16.30 - Marstall
Section I Franz Liszt
Lectures by Dr. Daniel Tiemeyer · PD Dr Boris Voigt · Dr. Stefan König
7.30 pm - Velte Hall
Concert I → to the programme details
Arrangements for wind instruments of works by Reger, Busoni and others
Ensemble Mikado

Saturday 19 October
9.30 am - Marstall
Section II Ferruccio Busoni and others
Lectures by Dr. Christian Schaper · Jannik Franz
Dr. Ullrich Scheideler · Marina Schieke-Gordienko
3.00 pm - Marstall
Section III Max Reger
Lectures by Prof. Dr Thomas Seedorf · Claudia Seidl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp · Dr. Maren Goltz

7.30 pm - Velte Hall
Concert II → to the programme details
Arrangements by Max Reger (1873-1916)
for piano two and four hands
Florian Kleinertz · Sontraud Speidel
Rinko Hama · Ruben Meliksetian

Sunday 20 October
9.30 am - Marstall
Section IV Reger and others
Lectures by Prof. Ulrich Walther
Dr. Jürgen Schaarwächter · Dr. Knud Breyer

12.00 pm - Marstall
Round Table
Dr Ullrich Scheideler · Dr Knud Breyer · Prof. Dr Thomas Seedorf


in co-operation with the Max-Reger-Institut Karlsruhe

Logo Max-Reger-Institut
Eventtype: Symposien & Kongresse · Symposia & Congresses
18. October · 03:00 PM
CampusOne – Schloss Gottesaue

Am Schloss Gottesaue 7 · 76131 Karlsruhe

The conference is an interdisciplinary event organised by the Karlsruhe University of Music.
The detailed programme will be published separately.
Students of the Karlsruhe University of Music will receive ECTS points.
Registration with the Career Centre via the ASIMUT account is required.

Interested guests are cordially invited to take part in the conference. Please register by email to Ms Gundi Rößler by 17 October → Registration